We had a tremendous year. We were able to give three scholarships. We made many friends and had lots of fun. Thank you everyone for your support. We are looking forward to 2025. Bingo will be back. We will have our Maine Coffee and Bakery Silent Auction, yoga, matinee movies, coffee houses and we are also going to have our first local artists’ expo.
#mainemariners #erintownsphotography #beechhilldesigns #tmobile #luxurypicnicsacadia #lowes #portlandseadogs #rockcitycoffee #cakedeliberately #fredscoffee #ccaprara #picklespotionsandlotions #senatorinnandspa #cliffhousemaine #downshiftcoffee #longfellowsgreenhouses #appleshedbakery #scapescafe #agingathomewayne #coffeeontheporch #reveriecoffee #wickedjoecoffee #kilntimestudio #liberalcup #peasehillfarm #meadowsweetbakery #centralmainedentistry #bluegoosebakery #mainelycoffee #unitedfitness #whiteduck #artwalkshopandstudio #elysiancreations #cobbiescornerstore #sunrisebagel #goodpost #thaisspicerestaurant #tandemcoffeeroasters
