Will George and Mary's wish come true?ssessler2000Nov 29, 20231 min readFind out on December 17th at the Ladd Rec Center. Don't forget our movie poster raffle donated by movieposters.com. All proceeds go to the Sam Sessler Foundation. Nurture the Ability#nurture the ability#samsesslerfoundation#itsawonderfullife#movienight#popcorn #fun #family #laddreccenter #scholarship #art #science #specialneeds
Find out on December 17th at the Ladd Rec Center. Don't forget our movie poster raffle donated by movieposters.com. All proceeds go to the Sam Sessler Foundation. Nurture the Ability#nurture the ability#samsesslerfoundation#itsawonderfullife#movienight#popcorn #fun #family #laddreccenter #scholarship #art #science #specialneeds