We will now be featuring our silent auction coffee donors at all our functions. Coffee Hound will be served at our Spring Trivia Night.
Join us for a chance to win prizes from: The Goodpost Refill Shop, Emery Farm, Maiden Mushrooms and Longfellow's Greenhouses. We also have our raffle with many garden themed prizes. United Fitness is paying for the first 5 guests. Only $5 to play. All proceeds go to the Sam Sessler Foundation.
Nurture the Ability!
Spring Trivia Night
May 1st
6:30-8:00 pm
Ladd Rec Center
26 Gott Road
Wayne, Maine 04284
#nurturetheability #scholarship #science #art #specialneeds #coffeehound #emeryfarm #goodpostrefillshop #longfellowsgreenhouses #maidenmushrooms #laddreccenter